Produse pentru infecții urinare (10)

Uroprev - Infecții Urinare

Uroprev - Infecții Urinare

For the relief of symptoms in urinary infections quickly and effectively. In the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections in women, as well as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy in complicated urinary tract infections. Ingredients: Dry extract of Cranberry (50% proanthocyanidins) and Vitamin C. Diary intake: 1 or 2 capsules per day Pack of 30 capsules Para o alivio dos sintomas das infeções urinárias de forma rápida e eficaz. Na prevenção de infeções urinárias recorrentes da mulher, assim como coadjuvante da antibioterapia em infeções urinárias complicadas. Testado clinicamente num Hospital Público Português. Ingredientes: Extrato seco de Cranberry (com 50% de proantocianidinas) e Vitamina C. Modo de tomar: 2 cápsulas por dia. Tomar uma cápsula de manhã e outra à noite. Apresentação: embalagem de 30 cápsulas.
Îngrijirea incontinenței

Îngrijirea incontinenței

Artikel zur hygienischen Patientenbehandlung in medizinischen Einrichtungen. Einwegartikel zur Inkontinenzversorgung. Inkontinenzversorgung Einlagen Vorlagen Pants Netzhöschen Slips Windeln Krankenunterlagen Einweg-Handschuhe Desinfektion Pflegeprodukte
Instalație sanitară

Instalație sanitară

Ihre Gartenleitung gehört auf Vordermann gebracht oder der Waschmaschinenanschluss erneuert? Wir beraten Sie gern. Sanitärinstallation Ihre Gartenleitung gehört auf Vordermann gebracht oder der Waschmaschinenanschluss erneuert?
Medicină de Urgență

Medicină de Urgență

Medizinische erste Hilfe in Form von Beatmung/ Intubation, Traumaversorgung, Stabilisation und Wiederbelebung.
Acid ascorbic

Acid ascorbic

We offer ascorbic acid In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Acid sulfuric

Acid sulfuric



Erythrit - Ihr Zuckerersatz zum Süßen Ihrer Speisen
COMFY PEE PACK - Urinare igienică în picioare pentru femei

COMFY PEE PACK - Urinare igienică în picioare pentru femei

Ist ein perfekter Begleiter für jede Frau, egal ob im Stau, im Zug, in der freien Natur, beim Wandern, Camping oder Open Air Event. Is a perfect companion for every woman, whether in traffic jams, on the train, in the great outdoors, hiking, camping or open-air events. Ist immer einsetzbar! Super praktisch und hygienisch! Keine schmutzigen Toiletten mehr! Is always usable! Super practical and hygienic! No More Dirty Toilets! Hilft jeder Frau, insbesondere schwangeren Frauen und Frauen mit Bewegungseinschränkungen. Helps every woman, especially pregnant women, and women with mobility problems. Besteht aus 100% biologisch abbaubarem, recycelbarem, kompostierbarem, energiesparendem, im Meer abbaubarem, hochwertigem, umweltfreundlichem, wasserfestem Papier. Nach einmaligem Gebrauch entsorgen. Is made from 100% biodegradable, recyclable, compostable, energy-saving, sea-degradable, high-quality, environmentally friendly, waterproof paper. Dispose of after single use.
CISTONORM - Supliment alimentar pe bază de Vitis Vinifera (bioflavonoide) Semințe de grapefruit

CISTONORM - Supliment alimentar pe bază de Vitis Vinifera (bioflavonoide) Semințe de grapefruit

L'azione sinergica dei nutrienti contenuti in cistonorm è utile per la funzionalità delle vie urinarie. L'urina normale è sterile. In entrambi i sessi le difese immunitarie contribuiscono ad impedire lo svilupparsi di infezioni, causate in massima parte da germi patogeni di derivazione fecale, vaginale o uretrale che risalgono verso la vescica. Un sistema immunitario momentaneamente o generalmente indebolito, un'assunzione di liquidi giornaliera troppo limitata, alterazioni dell'equilibrio ormonale durante la pubertà, la gravidanza o la menopausa, l'uso del catetere, una scorretta igiene intima, uno svuotamento vescicale incompleto sono i principali fattori esterni che possono favorire l'insorgere di una infezione delle basse vie urinarie, la cistite. Cistonorm integra in un unico prodotto le proprietà antiossidanti della vitis vinifera e del gse (estratto secco di semi di pompelmo) alle riconosciute proprietà del mirtillo.
Esteri ai acizilor grași

Esteri ai acizilor grași

We offer fatty acid esters In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!